Best / Top IIT-JEE Coaching in Prayagraj
Gurukul Classes is the Best IIT-JEE Coaching in Prayagraj. Our systematic and organized teaching endeavour helps to students. Gurukul Classes is synonyms of success in Prayagraj.
Practice makes perfect
We know about the Importance of Competitive Exams. We also know the only way you truly understand a subject is by practising it in a real environment. This is why we’ve set Examination environments in our regular tests.
Success Story
- Selected Students in IIT ➡18+
- Scored 100 out of 100 in Math’s ➡120+
- Toppers in Board Exams ➡400+
Our Facilities :
- Efficient teaching approach
- Well qualified faculty
- Excellent track record of results in competitive exams
- Comprehensive Study Material
- Doubt clearing session
- Tests and assignments
- Regular parent teaching meetings
- Daily attendance monitoring
- Monthly performance report
- Scholarships and Awards
- Motivational sessions
- Air-conditioned Classrooms
Our Courses
Two Year Integrated Course for IIT-JEE (Main and Advanced)
6 days a week.
Batch Starts on The third week of March / Second week of April / May 2019 – 15th February 2021.
- Direct admission on the basis of Marks / Grades obtained in the School / Board Exam or through Gurukul Talent Hunt Exam (GTHE).
- Year-1: Class XI (Session-1): It shall continue till 15th February 2020 to complete the syllabus of Class XI and then the students will be free for their Class XI final exam.
- They shall then rejoin in the last week of March / first week of April 2020 to continue the syllabus of Class XII.
- Year-2: Class XII (Session-2): Class XII syllabus will be completed by October 2020 Class XI revision will be done from November 2020 to 15th February 2021.
- Certain top ranking students will be given some extra Tests in December 2020. Selection of such students shall be at the sole discretion of the management.
- Students will be thoroughly prepared for the School/Board Exam as well as Engineering Entrance Exams.